Well.. that's a great question. The fact is that
I'm engaged!!!!
It's true :) Chris proposed to me back in March & gave me the shock of my life. I literally had NO idea that it was going to happen any time soon. I might not have reacted the way it happens in movies (and books), but that's what he gets when he surprises the hell out of me!
Chris down on one knee. "Kate, will you marry me?"
Me:" What is that!? What ARE you doing? Is that real? Oh. My. God. Are you serious!?!?"
Chris starting to laugh at me. "Umm, yes it's real. So is that a yes?"
Me (beginning to let everything sink in): "Oh. My. God. I can't believe this! Of course I'll marry you!!!"Sorry, Chris! But we wouldn't have it any other way ;) And now, the date is set...